Our Next Meeting is Thursday October 16, 2014
Time: 3 pm
Place: Fennell Campus of Mohawk College, E0005
Cost: $20.00
Join us for an information packed presentation at Mohawk College featuring:
Robert Gerritsen, Professor Mohawk College, discussing the Additive Manufacturing Centre at Mohawk College.
And Peter Clark, Vice President and General Manager of Haley Industries Ltd., speaking on Incorporating Additive Technologies into Foundry Production.
Followed by a tour of the Mohawk Facility and a casual dinner (pub style).
Parking is in the main visitors lot, the entrance is off West 5th street.
Check the Mohawk.ca site for maps.
We ask all members and guests for your assistance in placing your reservations no later than 4:00 pm on Friday, October 10, 2014. Reserve your spot at www.afsontario.ca or by calling Crystal Burkholder at 905-529-7935 or 905-517-2474. Spots may be limited, so register early.
Dear Fun N Games Night Supporters:
Thursday, November 20th, 2014 is the date for our annual fundraising night for Scholarships going to worthy Ontario students in foundry related courses at Canadian Colleges and Universities .
We sincerely thank you for all of your support in the past. Earlier this year we were able to give over $ 4500.00 in scholarships and a $2000 bursary to deserving students. Your contribution this year to the 2014 Fun N Games Night will be greatly appreciated!
As in previous years, we will have the following activities:
- A Silent Auction with a wide variety of gifts to bid on.
- A Live Auction with larger items such as sports tickets, green fee tickets etc.
- Raffles, Card Games and Lucky Draws
If you wish, you can make CASH DONATIONS that go directly into our scholarship fund
Remember that all donors are recognized for their generous contributions at the Fun N Games Night, at Scholarship Night in March, and in various chapter publications.
Please plan to attend this event at the Waterfront Centre in Hamilton, on November 20th, 2014 starting with cocktails and dinner at 6:00pm.
Please contact any of the following Auction Committee members to pick up your donation, or mail it to Crystal Burkholder at the above address before November 7th, 2014 so that your donation is recognized in the Auction Night Program.
Tickets for Fun n Games are $40 per person, and Tables of 8 are available. Reservations are preferred and can be made by calling Crystal Burkholder at 905-529-7935 or 905-517-2474 or email Crystal at afsontario@bell.net
Thank you from your Auction Committee,
Jennifer Thomas 905-689-6661 ext. 261
John Papaioannou 905-689-6661 ext. 335
Steve Kopysh 905-632-6007
Eric Porter – 905-547-3571
Dan Peace 905-544-2505
Vlad Dolibic 519-442-6371
Tim Smelko 905-878-2331
Neal McCain 289-808-9309
This was our AFS/CFA joint meeting.
John Vickers was honored by CFA with the achievement award, as he reached a milestone this year, celebrating 45 years of activity in the foundry industry.
John has been involved in many facets of the industry from cupola pollution control, WSIB issues, education and environmental matters. He worked on and chaired the Environmental Committee, and became a member of the Board of Directors, served as Vice President and then President. In recent years he has focused on a consultant role on many foundry and smelting projects. John also on occasion helps his son John H. Vickers, owner of Hopper Foundry.
John gave great thanks to his friends and colleagues for their support through the highs and lows over his past 45 years of service to the foundry industry. John has great appreciation for his wife Maureen, children Jennifer and John and five grandchildren; for their support on those long days and late nights, when trying to meet a deadline or trying to solve the many problems in the foundry industry.
With Johns dedication to the foundry industry over the past 45 years he has helped make a difference for the future of our industry and helped to make the industry into what it is today.
Frank Naccarato, Ph.D., P.Eng., President of The Empyrean Group Inc. Frank holds a B.A.Sc. in Engineering Science and a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Toronto. He has a total of 25 years of engineering and management experience in a number of R&D fields. His company, The Empyrean Group, has provided SR&ED expertise to a broad range of industry sectors since 1987.
The AFS had a presentation to end the evening from Frank Naccarato, Ph.D., P.Eng., President of the Empyrean Group on the changes made to the SR&ED program in Canada and how these changes affect your SR&ED program.
The Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentive program has undergone substantial changes in the past few years, including how the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers the program. Dr. Frank Naccarato summarized the main changes and how best to manage them.
The Income Tax Act was not changed, but..The way the program is interpreted and administered has:
- Technical Eligibility more challenging to determine
- Qualifying Costs changes in what qualifies and at what %
- Documentation more important than ever
- Forms format for the T661 has changed substantially
- CRA Audits Now more stringent and more frequent
The Empyrean Group Inc. is
- A consulting firm consisting of highly qualified engineers, scientists, financial professionals, technical writers and editors
- Theyve been in business for 30+ years
- They have specialized in SR&ED for 26+ years
- Broad experience across many industrial sectors
- Excellent reputation with CRA
- Maintained 100% success rate for 10+ years
Did you know we have a great resource here in Southern Ontario? It is the NRCan Library located in the Canmet MATERIALS Laboratory in the McMaster Innovation Park (MIP), 175 Longwood Road S. in Hamilton. This library location specializes in materials technology including metal castings.
The library provides the following services to the public:
- On-site use of collections (i.e. books, journals, reference materials)
- On-site access to subscription e-resources and e-journals
- Reference assistance (by appointment only)
The library is open Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
The NRCan Library, Hamilton can be reached by phone: 905-645-0651 or by email: alana.pollock@nrcan.gc.ca
For other information (forestry, earth sciences, mining) visit the NRCan Library website: http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/library/171
The AFS Ontario Library has been donated to The NRCan Library. You can access all materials there.
Note: As long as we have your correct email address you should get your copy of the Ingate. If you or if anyone you know who is a paid up member of the Ontario Chapter did not receive their issue of the Ingate please contact us at afsontario@bell.net
We ask that you check your membership roster for errors. Please note that the information in the roster is detail we receive from AFS headquarters in Chicago. We can assist with any corrections by contacting our Membership Chairman, John Papaioannou and he will forward to the Chicago office. You can email John with your changes at johnp@optaminerals.com
We have a new look and new features on our web site. By checking our site you can keep abreast of what is happening with our chapter. It also allows you to quickly access our sponsors web sites. As always we are open to your suggestions for improvements both with our web site and the Ingate. You can send your comments to afsontario@bell.net
CMI Course Schedule
** For more information please visit www.afsinc.org and click on Cast Metals Institute. The Cast Metals Institute provides intensive, specialized education for metal casters by metal casters. Since its beginning in 1957, CMI has presented over 3,000 courses to 65,000 participants representing nearly 5,000 individual companies dramatic evidence of the acceptance of CMI as a vital contributor in the continuing development of foundry personnel.
AFS Internship Update
During the past year the AFS Ontario Chapter initiated a trial internship program with a total funding of $2000.00
Ray Griffin a Mohawk Student was the recipient of this internship and the monies were used to help him relocate to Ancast Industries at their location in Winnipeg.
The main thrust of the program is to allow Foundries who are not located close to educational facilities to offer opportunities to attract students to their facilities.
The funds are used for relocation of the student (i.e. Transportation) and rental accommodation costs. In this way the student can basically bank the money earned at the Foundry.
Our first trial program was successful and the AFS Ontario Chapter is going to expand the program to two internships of $2000.00 each in the 2014-2015 year.
The AFS Ontario Chapter is now soliciting submissions from companies involved in metal casting activities who would be interested in taking advantage of the internship program.
If your company is interested in participating in the program please send an email stating your interest to the AFS Ontario Chapter at afsontario@bell.net